Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why We Remember

Since my last post was simply a President Kimball talk, I may as well use another quote of his as a segue way to today's link.

I have the following quote stuck into in my 9th grade Seminary scriptures right where Helaman is quoted on the importance and effects of "remembering" (Helaman 5:6-12):
"When you look in the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be remember. Because all of you have made covenants - you know what to do and you know how to do it - our greatest need is to remember. That is why everyone goes to sacrament meeting every Sabbath day - to take the sacrament and listen to the priests pray that 'they may always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them.' Remember is the word. Remember is the program."
Kimball, Spencer W. "Circles of Exaltation," Address to Seminary and Institute Personnel, BYU, June 28, 1968.
As Helaman taught his sons [and our modern Prophets have reminded us] – what we remember and how we go about it – has significant effect on our lives.

Connnor Boyack – one of my favorite bloggers – posted today on 'appropriate remembrances' with an eye towards the "We Will Never Forget" themes that play out in 9/11 memorials. Here's an excerpt:

But for what purpose are we remembering?

If our memorials, songs, tributes, and political propaganda serve only to help us remember the lives of our loved ones who died that day, then we have acted appropriately. But I fear that the continual display of 9/11 fanfare is intended not specifically to honor the fallen, but instead to continually evoke feelings of revenge, hatred, frustration, and fear.

You can read the whole post "We Will Never Forget"at his blog. Connor paints a larger picture that includes some other things we shouldn't forget and the actions such remembrances might more appropriately inspire.


Frank Staheli said...

We should never forget, because if we do, we'll never come to understand why.

Doug said...


That is an excellent point.

Along the lines of: 'Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it'

Trying to find a productive way forward with a world event like this isn't quite the same thing as trying to pretend it -- and all the responses to it (good and bad) -- never happened (which is certainly unwise).

As always, I appreciate the thoughtfulness of your many blogs. Thank you for the link.

Shauna said...

I ♥ your blog! Thanks for sharing :)

Thomas Gail Haws said...

Thanks for standing firm with your Peace Testimony. Mormons (some of us) really do have a Peace Testimony.